Based on the many, many requests I have received for an update to my blog (read: 2), it appears that you are all waiting with bated breath for a new installment. As I am certainly not one to disappoint, I will bow to the wishes of the masses and respond to my peeps. (And yes, I am THAT intelligent that I am now using Shakespearean language in my blog. This blog is reaching new levels.)
First off, some administrative tasks. I must offer “props” to one Calvin Hammett for his review blog. Hammy – love the review blog. You know your blog has made it when another blog is reviewing your blog. I intend, once I become more blog-savvy, to include a link to young Hammy’s blog. Secondly, please note that my SB mug collection has doubled. My lovely sis came bearing gifts from Calgary and I now own a “Stampede City” mug.
Wow has this week gone FAST. I can hardly believe that it is already Thursday. I suppose that is partly due to the fact that I have Andrea staying with me – time always seems to go faster when you have something good happening, no? If anyone is looking for that one-of-a-kind wedding gift, I would love a time machine, please and thanks.
I also want to mention what a great Easter I had. Andrea came home, Haney came home, and I had two fantastic, home-cooked family dinners. One at Shaun's family's place in Lockport (with all his sisters, kids, grandparents, etc.) and one at Haney's (with all her aunts, cousins, Ben, Clarke, her mom and Terry). Thanks to both for including us in your family plans. So lovely. I should mention that haney made a stellar egg hunt for Ben. Too funny. She lost count of the eggs, so a few "bonus" eggs were found. Never a bad thing, those bonus eggs.
And speaking of family, my parents start the trek home from Florida on Sunday, and I can’t wait to see them. Along with the fact that I haven’t seen them since Christmas and I miss them, I also have many, many things that I need my dad’s help with around the house. Why oh why wasn’t I born more handy? For any of you that have been over lately, you’ll have noticed that we still don’t have the electrical outlets all done, we still haven’t dealt with the closet doors, we still don’t have blinds. Every person on our street now knows that we have a dance floor as opposed to a kitchen table, because anyone that walks by has a full view right into our kitchen / living room. All in good time, right?
So, I am interested in hearing opinions on an issue that I am currently dealing with at work. Consent. And if you think a minor should be allowed to consent to a medical procedure if they are “mature”. If someone has been raised a certain way (in a certain culture or religion, or with a certain set of beliefs), are we able to tell them their beliefs are wrong, regardless of their age? Or -- how do you separate what someone actually believes, from if they are able to offer an informed decision? I mean if someone is telling you that they absolutely do not want to consent to a medical procedure that a doctor has recommended (and it may be a matter of severe injury to them if they do not get the procedure), how can you look at it and separate “them” from their beliefs? Am I getting this across correctly? To put it in a way I don’t really want to (I am only using this language to try make myself clear), at what point do you say, that belief is coming from brainwashing or indoctrination?
And on a completely different note, I attended a Norwex party last night. Interesting. Main selling technique – fear. And it works, let me tell you. You truly start to believe that there are millions of scary chemicals churning around at all times. Which I am sure there are, however, I somewhat prefer the ignorant bliss I was living in. The woman giving the presentation tried to make a link between the levels of autism in our society now versus ten years ago and the chemicals we use in everyday life. Me, as an uninformed lawyer, thought – wow, that sounds bad. On the way home, Andrea and Haney pointed out that, although she may have a point, there is also simply more autism diagnosed, there is not necessarily more around. We also got into a discussion about autism and vaccinations, and in particular the family in the states that sued because her “normal” son was diagnosed with autism after receiving certain vaccinations. Definitely something to think about when we start having kids of our own. at the Norwex party -- I put my foot in my mouth in the most MASSIVE way. I can’t even begin to tell you what a dumbass I was. I am more than embarrassed and my stomach is churning just thinking about it. I was really nervous to be there in the first place, so I of course start talking loudly and fast (no surprise there) and then I make an idiot of myself. Oh, Winnipeg. When oh when am I going to win you over?