Thursday, September 11, 2008


I just emailed Lainey.... and she emailed me back!!! Within 5 minutes!

Remember that scene from the Sound of Music where Leisel kisses Rolf and then is deliriously happy, and spins around and around yelling SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....

That's somewhat how I feel.

And I may hate myself for it.

And now I REALLY have to get back to work.

Pearl Sitting

The ultimate test of responsibility for myself and Ty -- we are looking after Pat and Alexis' "Mush Face" this weekend! I was given a flurry of instructions last night; with a "more detailed email to follow". Pat has repeatedly told me that Pearleen is "his special girl" and that I better treat her right. Apparently she may be a "bit pouty" at first and I'm going to have to "win her over". Yikes. Here are some of Pat's instructions:
The rules to baby sitting our pup:
Feed a cup and a half twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night.
Fresh water at hand always.
She craps three times a day.
Always on leash and no doors in house left open so she can escape.
Should she ever try and bolt you have to get mad at her and tell her to sit and stay! Dogs like a pack leader! You will be her pack leader!
She is very affraid of fireworks, thunder and loud sounds. When she hears them she tries to bolt.
She is not a fan of large crowds.
Keep the leash short unless she is trying to cut a loaf off. Then she needs a bit of room.
Do not leave her in a car too long.
She loves to play fight. Especially if you get on your hands and knees and fight her like another dog.
She will shake a paw, sit, lay down and gives kiss, kiss.
She will be very shy.

Pat and Alexis are off to Toronto to take in some TIFF and to enjoy the city...I am jealous! Please say hello to Lainey for me. Oh -- and Brad Pitt, too.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Did I mention I got hitched?


I would like to please add a note that my husband and I seem to be better friends than ever. How is it the most boring, awful things are fun when you’re doing them with a great, great friend?

Take note: yesterday, we organized every single cupboard in our kitchen and made a very significant “relegated to camp” pile. How mundane, right? But I write about it here for a reason. As I watched him open a cupboard and put away one of our (many!) bowls – I had to catch my breath as I thought to myself, that man is going to be with me forever -- oh, be still my heart.

Friday, September 5, 2008

SB Mugs

Currently pondering ways to bolster the collection.


Also, love this "The Way I See It":

The Way I See It #277

I know a lot of morning people and I know a lot of night people but I have yet to meet a late afternoon person.

-- Douglas CouplandAuthor of Generation X, Microserfs and JPod.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 posts in 1 morning

Bryan and Kathy are parents!

Welcome to Olivia Lila Foskett.

eek. Fall is here.



Women in boat.

Things are slowly starting to get back to normal – the wedding is over, the guests have gone home, the H moon is over, my husband and I are back at work, I spent my last weekend at the lake for the next little bit.

The weekend, by the way, was AMAZING. Beautiful weather – maybe the hottest weekend of the summer. Spent Friday night at the Hawk, visited with Ty’s Aunt Patty and Uncle Wayne, Aunt Irene and Uncle Rob, Robbie, Mike, and the crew of golfing boys. Had a bonfire, watched the moon. Saturday evening was spent fishing with Dave and Shereese and then Wizard after dinner. Sunday was a lovely lazy day, cruised around in the morn, relaxed and read into the evening. Monday we did chores around camp, went to CTire with M & D, then cruised out to Micrometer Bay for a swim.

And now the weather feels like fall………..AHHHHH.

My key word for fall: ORGANIZATION.


My office
My car
My finances (!)
My bedroom
My pantry
My health and fitness
My closet
My wardrobe
My dance floor (where a dining room table should be)
My home office

I can do it. I know I have it in me.

It is going to be an amazingly busy fall, not only on the organization front, but on the fun front as well:

Alicia’s bachelorette party – this weekend! In Calgary.
September 20 – Ty has the Drink and Drive
September 27 – back in Calgary for Alicia and Nick’s wedding! (it will be our first wedding after our own – can’t wait!)
October 3 – Firm retreat in Hecla
October 12 – Alicia and Nick’s Winnipeg wedding reception
October 31 – back in Calgary for Winterstart
Visit Caitlin and Scott and the baby!