Friday, November 27, 2009

Days that begin with "fri" make me happy!


Anything fun going on with you this weekend? What about you? And you?

For me, it’s going to be a relaxing one. So excited. Plan is to hang Christmas lights. And that’s it.

Oh, and a run on Sunday morning with the Quick Runners. Which is good, because I need to get in shape! I’ve decided to join the Master’s cross country ski team (if they will have me) and so, it’s officially on. Must get this bod whipped into shape. So, having a little training sesh with Shaunie at 5:00 p.m. tonight. Look out muscles.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pet Envy


Oh it IS coming.  The decade is winding down, y’all – didn’t you notice?  Well, truthfully, I didn’t.  Until today, when I was doing my usual morning thing, eating granola and reading on-line gossip, when suddenly I realized that Lainey was rambling on about end of the year lists and end of decade lists because...well... the end of the decade is almost upon us.  And then, it suddenly occurred to me that it’s almost 2010 (gasp).

What?  A new DECADE?

Well, bring it Universe, I’m ready.

Because looking back on my life, I can truly say that each year of my life has been better than the last.  And I am going to do my best to keep that trend going.  Certainly, I have experienced change.  And has all that change been ideal for me?  Well, no.  Maybe not ideal.  But have I grown?  Yep, I have. And, big picture, things really are unfolding as they should.  

So, thanks for looking out for me Uni.  Love ya.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Old School

What's better than great song lyrics? 

Great song lyrics that tell a story.

Hey - you out there?  Do tell songs you know that tell a story. (please)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Less words, more photos

Great friends unite.

I know you're surprised that the picture hog below is not Ellis.
  I was too.


5 miler - check.

Breaking our own rule - this pic WAS taken after midnight.

Fresh eats. 

Not innocent.  At all.  Trust.

It really was a marvelous night for a moondance.

Selfie.  Why?  Why not.

oh, hi.

I haven't slipped back into blogger oblivion, I promise.  Stay with me.

So -- strange happenings around old Boreham the last few days.  We had work gloves go missing from our front step this week (2 right gloves went missing on Thursday and then 2 lefts went the following day).  After accusing each other of randomly storing two right gloves and then two left gloves in secret hiding places, we finally realized that (clearly) a man with two right hands (one large Ty-size right hand, one small Ains-size right hand) had slipped onto the front step on Thursday to claim the gloves.  And then obviously a man with two lefts had showed up on Friday to do the same. 

Watch for these guys. And don't be nice to them -- they have our gloves.

The second (less-likely) scenario is that some small furry creature is now enjoying a warm bed of work gloves. 

While on the subject of small, furry creatures, a question:  Do you ever think squirrels check out each other's outfits and wonder who looks best (or give each other the "elevator" -- you know the elevator -- when a girl checks you out, up and down, in the least subtle way possible?  You know it -- we've all been "elevatored" at one time or another...or elevatored someone else.)? Do you think they ever compete over things that really aren't worth competing over?

I don't either.

I'm pretty sure they just keep on keeping on, doing their thing, being the best squirrel that they can be at any given moment, being satisfied with all of their furry squirrel parts.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

That's right, she won a half-marathon.

Did I mention we're related?

nice form.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So, I came across this little dude and something about him made me love him.  Maybe it's his nonchalant demeanor, maybe it's because he actually stretched before he started or maybe it's because he just...keeps...running.  No matter what.

And as an aside, I will pause here to give a little "h. yeah" to Nike (don't hate me Qually).  No swooshes (well, strike that -- maybe they are of the subliminal variety), no "just do its", no obviousness.

And yet here I am, posting their video on my little blog. 

Word, Nike.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Morning Cheese

I know he's a chump, but I heart "Everything".   Judge not, please.

Love the song, not the singer, yo.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Reenactment (of what, I wish I had been there for).

K-Fed, apres Jenny Craig.



Holding my breath until Thursday night -- so damn excited for Winterstart.  Promise to do my best to be one of "those girls"! 

Ladies -- see you there, yo.