Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Peaks thinks we should have thrown eggs at the BMW (or rocks) instead of requesting an apology. Please see his take on things below:

Dear Mrs & Mr Rice,

I would like to sincerely apologize for throwing eggs at your windows last week. I heard that you came to my house and tattled on me. My parents have threatened to take away my BMW, which really sucks because then I would have to use my sisters Land Rover for the remainder of the year. Just remember I know that you know who I am, and I know that you know I know where you live.


Poorly Handled

P.S. Next time if you really want to get me, call SJR, as a concerned citizen in the neighbourhood tell them you saw my BMW cruising the streets throwing eggs at houses and vandalizing property. Seeing as they are truly responsible for me and not my parents I may actually receive some disciplinary action.

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