So, they lose a shirt of mine (and as an aside, it shouldn’t matter that I left the shirts there for as long as I did….why could they find all my other ones that I brought in at the same time and not the black one??). I am completely blameless in this matter. Completely. But, I digress… So, ANYWAY -- I call their “customer service” department to give a solid WTF (but very polite-like and stuff) and I talk to their “customer service” manager (and yes, those two words really do deserve the quotes) and she assures me that she will get back to me the next day with some answers to my questions. I think, sweet – the next day…this woman is really on top of it. But then….I wait.
A day goes by, then two, then five…
Then a week… then a week and a half...
So, I decide to call and deliver another WTF. No “human” this time (quotations needed again) but voicemail. I leave a very clear and detailed message (as the machine requests) and then I wait some more. NOTHING. No reply. So I begin a Call Perth’s Every Single Frickin’ Day campaign. Every day. Really? Has it really come to this? I leave a message every day that says, please call me back before close of business today. I leave a message EVERY DAY for 9 days. Seriously. 9 days in a row.
And then, finally a response. A voicemail stating that they have lost my black shirt and since it is approximately 6 months old they have to depreciate it by 50% (is there some sort of accounting method for drycleaners that I should get a handbook on?). So, they will pay me cash for 50% of the value OR give me the full amount in free drycleaning. People, please. PERTH’S, please. I feel it’s like admitting that their services are so crap that we should only pay 50% from here on in.
I have not yet decided which route to take.
And the other reason Perth’s is officially the bane of my existence: they charge me more because my shirts are not “normal-sized”. Really? You’re penalizing me because I have small boobs? I was paying for my shirts one day and noticed that they charged me more for my shirts that the posted price for “women’s blouses”. I ask the question and this is the response – well, your shirts are too small to fit on the normal-sized press so we can’t do them as fast as the other shirts and therefore have to charge you more.
That's all.
The End.
1 comment:
Perhaps you should tell them that the shirt cost you $200.00 since you have no proof of what the shirt really cost...
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