Thursday, July 3, 2008

Do you know I am getting married in 44 days?????

Yep, that’s right. In 44 days, I will be a….MARRIED WOMAN. Really? Me…married? I mean, my MOM is married. To be completely honest, I’m not entirely sure that the idea has really sunk in yet. I’m not even really sure I’ve done this engagement thing right and now I have to move on to marriage? How can I do marriage right if I haven’t conquered engagement? AHHHHHHHH. So much to do, so little time. Certainly I have a lot to keep my mind occupied as we head into the home stretch. Lots of details to get on top of, and yes, you all know me….I am on top of none of them. BUT – I have great intentions (as always) and I plan to be a machine in July to power through. And, Clare and Andrea are going to be home next week (!!!) to be my personal slaves….oops, I mean best bridesmaids ever, so I can breathe a little sigh of relief and delegate. I just first have to figure out what exactly needs to be delegated. Oh Andrea and Clare – welcome home ladies!

By way of a housekeeping update (since my last post was LAST MONTH!!):

  • Went to a wedding last weekend. Had a really good time. Beautiful wedding – very love-filled. Which sounds cheesy but is true. Also, the bride was the most laid-back bride EVER. Like, ever. I told her how beautiful she looked and she laughed and said that I had to say that because she was the bride. Funny. But not at all true. Also, the ring bearer decided, mid ceremony, that he didn’t want to be the ring bearer anymore and proceeded to drop his little pillow and walk off. Unfortunately, the ring fell off and there was a bit of a mad scramble looking for the ring in the grass. And that reminds me – I guess I need to buy Ty a ring????

  • Andrea runs the MARATHON this weekend!!! This will be the first marathon that I won’t be there to see her dominate. Tear. Anna – get out there and do your best. I am so proud of you. Ellis, Haney, Alicia, Meara – make sure you cheer EXTRA loud for me, ok?

  • Caitlin heads up to Muskoka for Joe’s Team Triathlon this weekend. This is CK’s baby and it is a VERY successful event. And – Jim Cuddy is going to be playing at the end BBQ! Ah. CK – please give Jim a huge kiss from me. Jim and I – we share a very special bond. So, while CK will be there organizing, she won’t be participating because, as you all know – she has a wee babe on the way (which, according to her, doesn’t feel so wee anymore). And, as a total aside, this babe is going to be the most athletic child ever. Really. Move over Tiger and all the other sports heros – you ain’t got nothing on the genes of this child.

  • Mandy flew in last night and took Ginnie to Kenora. She is here for her mother’s 60th, but we are also doing a walk-through at the Yacht Club with our caterer and the YC manager. OMG. This is really happening! It’s truly happening. So, Lainie’s birthday is on Saturday night, therefore I am Mandy’s peon for the day on Saturday. I’m excited! Honestly, I love party-prep. Although, I’m not sure how much help I can truly be for Mandy, but I will do my very best.

  • On the subject of the Pearce’s – Margo is going to London (the London in the U.K….not the boring Canadian version) in the fall to do her second Master’s degree. On a scholarship. To a highly prestigious program. Don’t you love it? Margo – you are amazing. Very, very pumped for you. Go get ‘em, lady.

  • I am truly homesick for Calgary right now. Just so you know, all you Calgary peeps, I really, really miss you and I am thinking about you all at least every second.
Ok – that’s it!! I must go divorce people now!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

The Calgary peeps miss you too! I was in Mission the other day and it felt like a foreign land since I'm not in there twice a week whilst visiting you!!

Oh and FYI- Haney and I will be the best slaves I mean bridesmaids EVER!