An article caught my eye in the Globe and Mail today by one Ms. Angela Long wherein she discusses her choice not to have children (her reasons are based on an ecological point of view – she believes the world simply cannot accommodate any more children). The article was interesting, but what really kept my attention was the commentary in response to the article (I was reading the online version). The discussion centered less on what was IN the article, and more on how people who had made the choice not to have children constantly feel the need to justify their choice to those who have children.
I am a person who stated, for a loooong time, that I was never going to have children. “I will have dogs” or “I will be the best aunt ever” were sentences that I often spoke. But now? I want children. I don’t know when, or I certainly don’t know how many (to be honest, pregnancy is not something that I feel that I would want to go through twice….and also, I can’t imagine the energy it must take to look after more than one child at a time) but I do know that I would like to be a mother. And you know what is funny about that (and you can probably insert “ironic” or even “brutal” where “funny” is)? I can’t imagine making any other choice. In fact, I can’t really put myself in someone else’s shoes and understand why anyone would state they absolutely do not want children. I can understand why people wait, I get that maybe the timing isn’t always right, but I just cannot understand the absolute stance (and this is coming from someone who had the absolute stance!!!!). What makes this even more funny/ironic/brutal? One of my best friends does not want children.
So, where does this pondering leave me? I need to be more empathetic. And I need to start now. And likely this is in all areas of life. Watch for it, people!
p.s. as a total aside, apparently "Gerber" means "to throw up" in French.
1 comment:
You are funny Ricer.
I like how the comment at the end about the true meaning of Gerber is thrown in to bring the whole thought together.
Seriously, are you knocked up already and this is your way of floating the idea?!
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