Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Get Your Happy On

I’ve mentioned happiness is a choice.

Well, I’m going to mention it again, just so I am sure that we all get it. We truly have one hundred percent control over how we live each day.

And, I’ll admit, I lost control a bit on Sunday night / morning, while I was at the Vegas airport, waiting for our flight that was hopelessly delayed. What, you say? Annoyed at a late flight, Ainsley? Doesn’t that go against this philosophy that you have been trying to live? YES! It does. However – it wasn’t the late flight that made me scream at the airport (yes, I actually screamed. And no, it was nothing witty – it was completely un-inspired screaming), it was those terribly obnoxious people who were also waiting on the same flight as we were. But, needless to say, that’s no excuse. So yesterday, when I woke up after a few hours sleep and noticed that it was a beautiful day out, I re-thought about the previous day and came to the conclusion that I could’ve handled the situation a bit better (ok, a lot better). I have control over how I act -- and so I’m going to use it next time.

Now -- on to the happy stuff!

Vegas was fantastic. A weekend away with Ty can certainly be filed under things that make me happy. Along with the blue skies that we had all weekend (plus 31!)....

...we also had a little bit of fun gambling...(this particular machine was my lucky one -- $1,000 bucks!!)...

...we walked around and enjoyed sights...

... and we had some...interesting...meals...

And we saw two great shows.

All in all it was a relaxing and re-energizing weekend. Thanks Vegas! A good way to commemorate one year!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That's a MASSIVE amount of meat in that sandwich. You shared, right?? Hee