Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, shit. Is it really January 10, 2010, already?

Am I too late to discuss resolutions? 

As always, my apologies for the blog-break.  As always, work weighed me down, as did a number of pre-Florida parties.  And then, of course, I was on a plane, and who wants to blog on their holidays?

Nonetheless, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised to hear that blogging 3 x per week was on that ever-so-elusive list of resolutions.

So let's start off this year on that foot that isn't the left one, and throw out a "what makes me happy":

Good communication makes me happy. 

A few notes on communication et moi.  I hate talking on the phone because, invariably, I always end up saying something ridiculously inappropriate or out of place, or I accidentally talk over the other person and then there are weird gaps that I feel I have to fill.  I am also deathly afraid of voice messages and often leave them until Rogers makes them magically disappear.  I am also notoriously slow on email returns.

All of the above are problematic.  Because whenever I start thinking about how bad I am at communicating, it upsets me (it is absolutely paining me to write this post) because I know my behaviour is terrible friend behaviour.

I don't mean for it to happen, but sometimes I seem to get stuck on this little old island of mine.  And getting off seems really, really hard.

But good communication?  Good communication makes me feel like a million bucks.

So -- in 2010, I resolve to get off the island more often. 

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