The aforementioned Motley Crue concert went down last Friday. It has taken me this long to fully allow my body to remove all of the alcohol.
This is my view on what went down: my body immediately thought that it was significantly younger once the tunes started rolling out of Vince’s mouth. It heard “Home Sweet Home” and thought – “is it 1995? Does this mean that I should starting pounding Durangos and spiced rum? Should I see if I can collect bottle caps from all of the beer I am pounding and put them around my neck as some sort of trophy? Where is my favourite mixed tape?”
Because my body assumed it was '95, it thought that it had a force field surrounding my liver such as the one that it used to have in '95, and it therefore thought, "of course she can drink one thousand beers. No problem. Two thousand? Done and done."
My body was confused, and therefore it significantly exceeded its safe amount of alcohol (by "safe", I mean I was no longer the cute person that left her house that night, nor was I talking in sentences). It even went so far as to carry me to the Karaoke bar.
No worries, Bod. I forgive. Let's just not repeat that scene any time soon, ok? Ok.
I heavily violated the “no photos after 12” rule and therefore am somewhat challenged as to what I can post here.
How about these:
You will correctly note that I am not present in any of these pictures. My pride hurt far too much after reviewing the ones with me in them.