Thursday, May 20, 2010

Was this just last month?

OK, maybe it was a month and a half...

 I especially love the one where Ty is surfing and Mark is playing the guitar.

Mind over matter?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I heard some Trooper on the radio on the way to work this morning.  I flashed back to Stampede 2007 when we turned into "those girls" and made the Trooper bass player take our picture WHILE he was on stage trying to perform "we're here for a good time". 

God, I love my friends.

Here's the pic.

A fairly well-centered pic, considering the man had a guitar in one hand.

remember this?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Facebook Suicide

I’m contemplating it.  It strikes me that there far more bad things about facebook than good.  The worst thing about facebook in my opinion?  My feelings.  It makes me jealous.  I often look at other people’s pictures and think, man! why aren’t I climbing Machu Picchu / drinking champagne in the Alps / helping children in Africa / dancing on a table on a bar in my bikini / meeting celebrities in Vegas / playing professional rugby / running my own fashion consulting business / opening a spa in t.o. / looking fantastic in short shorts while drinking champagne in the alps while dancing on a table in a bikini while contemplating opening a spa in t.o. / you get the picture…

I look at the posted photos and then I look around my office and out of my office window at my view of the Delta swimming pool and think “I end marriages for a living” and, shockingly, sometimes that maybe doesn’t feel like it is enough.

And the other thing about facebook?  I often feel that I know too much about people that I shouldn’t know all that much about.  You hear what I’m saying?  Do I really need to know what my mortal enemy (please note that this label of “mortal enemy” likely exists solely in my head) from high school wore to a wedding last week?  Not really.  Do I really need to see opposing counsel from a highly litigious file dressed as a clown, playing flippy cup? (actually, now that I think about it, maybe I do).   

But then I think of the time I went for lunch with a girl that I used to work with; a girl I really, really like and think – that never would have happened without facebook.  And what about if I want to email Nat29, who doesn't have an email address?  

And then I think, maybe I am overthinking things (again)?

Or maybe there is an easier solution here: simply cull a few friends.  Maybe it's really not so complicated at all.

Just finished the book “I am Hutterite”.  I would highly recommend it.  Completely enjoyable.  And it occurs to me that the Hutterites never have to approach the facebook dilemma -- oh if only I could stomach the long skirts and the head apron (oh, and the fact that Hutterite women do a lot of waiting on men).

Monday, May 10, 2010

2 things worth mentioning here happened this weekend:

1. My Starbucks mug collection grew. Lank and Jen brought a Seattle mug into my life and cupboard. Thank you for thinking about me when you were off having fun. I am truly touched. 

2. My closet was cleaned. Man, does spring cleaning ever feel GOOD. I was ruthless! Our closet hasn’t looked this good since we moved in!

Ah, life is simple but really, really good.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Remember how I mentioned I am truly bad at decisions?

Consider this example:  I had a moment of extreme stress a few months ago.  My blackberry contract was coming to an end and I needed a new one.  No biggie, right?  Just look at what’s available and sign your life away for another three years.


Instead of making a seemingly simple decision, I agonized.  Specifically, I agonized over whether I should get an iPhone.  I asked myself: Should I switch it up from the old berry?   How incredibly cool would I look with an iPhone in my hand (I’d clearly be exactly like the dancing girl in the commercials)?  How many times in the past could I have used the Shazam app?  How will I be able to decide on a restaurant if I don’t have that chooser-app thingy?

Next step after agonizing and question-asking:  I did a little field research.  I asked around; I closely observed.

And I discovered that people that own iPhones are different from me – they are more connected, more “on”, more excited about their web-searching abilities than I ever saw myself being.

And…I’m sorry to say this (and I will offer a caveat to this next statement – this DOES NOT apply to all iPhone users)…they are….ahem….annoying? (again!  it doesn't apply to all of you!)

Anyway – I feel like it’s often the iPhone users that are looking at their iPhones when they should be engaging in outside world stuff.   Also – there is simply no need to have your iPhone earphones (sorry – ear buds) in at all times.  I.E.  it is OK to walk down the street without listening to that tune you just shazamed and then downloaded for $1.29.  (I just re-read that sentence and must ask myself – exactly when did I become bitter?)

And yes, I know, I know, people can be the same with BB’s (remember – I live with a man who takes his BB to BED with him.  Yes, you read that correctly).  But, I have to put this out there:  iPhone users are worse.  They just are.

And this is the other thing that someone pointed out to me and it’s SO TRUE.  iPhone users slip “iPhone” into a conversation way too easily and way too often.  Listen carefully next time you’re around an iPhoner.  You’ll pick up what I’m throwing down.

And while you’re listening, do this neat trick that someone taught me today:  mentally substitute “vagina” for the word “iPhone”.  I love this.

Her example:

Colleague sits down at meeting, pats pocket, stands up. "I'll be right back. I left my vagina on my desk!"

And that is going to make me laugh for the rest of the week.